How To Read Carl Jung’s Collected Works
To end the Demystifying Jungian Psychology Series, I’d like to leave you a few extra keys that will help you understand how Carl Jung structured his psychology around striving to conciliate the paradoxical nature of the psyche.
Jung follows a few precepts he calls antinomies, which can also be understood as paradoxes. Once again, I’d like to mention the works of Heráclito Pinheiro who introduced me to this line of thought and guides, to which I made sight changes.
The Practice of Psychotherapy is the only book in which Carl Jung reveals concisely how he thinks about his psychology and his psychotherapeutic method. Jung states that “The psyche is infinitely more complicated than light; hence a great number of antinomies is required to describe the nature of the psyche satisfactorily” (C. G. Jung – V16 – §1). In this light, there are four major precepts Carl Jung follows:
1 – “Psyche depends on body and body depends on psyche”.
This first antinomy refers to the conflict between psyche and matter. In psychology, this debate revolves mainly around the physicalist perspective, i.e., if the psyche is a mere epiphenomenon of the brain. If that’s the case, the psyche would be considered a mere fruit of brain activity and it would be possible to influence it exclusively through physiological interventions. Taking this view to an extreme, we would be able to solve every psychological problem with surgeries and medication.
We have to remember that Carl Jung was a doctor and was obviously aware of the influence of the body over the psyche, but his findings dictate that the opposite is also true, the psyche can also influence the body. However, we can’t isolate either one of them, as both are interdependent, that’s why it’s a paradox. Furthermore, Carl Jung was interested in creating a psychology capable of holding these opposing and complementary truths, intending to create a new way of studying the psyche that’s different from the materialistic standpoint, giving the psyche its own dignity.
2 – “The individual signifies nothing in comparison with the universal, and the universal signifies nothing in comparison with the individual”.
This second antinomy refers to the paradox between the individual and the collective truth. Every time we try to create a formula and something that’s generally valid, we’re disregarding individuality. This creates a major problem since we need generally valid truths to live in society, to share knowledge, and to have replicability.
However, it’s impossible to encompass everyone and every individual perspective. Carl Jung was aware that he needed to create a psychology that was capable of being generally valid, but at the same time, it had to respect individuality. That’s precisely why, as we’ve seen in the first chapter, he never created a theory, but a map to navigate the psyche.
3 – “A psychological statement is only true if its opposite can be asserted”.
This antinomy makes a direct reference to the paradoxical nature of the psyche, as truth is dependent on the perspective you adopt. For instance, as we’ve discussed in the psychological types chapter, every statement that we make about extroverts works in the exact opposite manner for introverts, and vice-versa.
When interpreting dreams, we can always interpret in a positive or negative light, the right interpretation is dependent on the individual’s conscious attitude. Lastly, a strong ego-complex is one capable of holding opposing and complementary truths, which is the premise for the individuation process.
4 – “In psychotherapy there are no rules”.
In this last antinomy, Carl Jung is explaining once again his attitude toward theories. But since this statement also needs to follow his own precept, psychotherapy does have rules and at the same time, it doesn’t. We certainly need knowledge of common and recurring patterns and they’re extremely relevant to share and expand psychological knowledge, however, we always have to understand how this is being expressed in a single individual. Carl Jung even states that he needs to be ready to produce a new and unique understanding to every patient he meets, knowing very well, that he’ll also find many commonalities and patterns.
Introductory Reading Guide
With these last four keys, I believe I provided you with a solid foundation for you to continue your journey into Jungian Psychology. That said, one question I get all the time is: “In what order should I read the collected works”? Say less, I got you! If I had to do it all over again that’s exactly what I’d follow:
1 – “Man and His Symbols”.
I suggest reading only chapters 1 (Jung’s chapter) and 3 (Von Franz’s). Jung wrote this book after a dream that propelled him to create something for the layman to get acquainted with his ideas, making this a perfect introduction.
2 – Volume 10 – “Civilization in Transition” – Chapter 4 – “The Undiscovered Self (Present and Future)”.
In this chapter, Jung explores what self-knowledge truly means. He criticizes the statistical and scientific method, and presents us with how we can develop our own personalities and individuality.
3 – Volume 16 – “The Practice of Psychotherapy” – Part I.
This is the only book where Carl Jung gives a detailed explanation of his methods and the foundations of his thinking. Furthermore, he gives a clear explanation of the development of personality and his views on psychotherapy. Just an amazing book overall.
4 – volume 17 – “Development of Personality” – Chapter 7 also entitled “The Development of Personality”.
This is one of my favorite chapters of all time and I feel inspired every time I read it. It’s important to say that “development of personality” and “individuation process” are synonyms, and in this book, Jung explores in-depth what this truly means and what it entails.
5 – Volume 9 – “Aion” – The First 4 Chapters – “The Ego, The Shadow, The Syzygy, and The Self”.
This book is so hard to understand that the editors asked Jung to prepare an introduction about his main concepts. This is the only time you’ll see him writing about his ideas in individual chapters.
6 – Volume 18 – “Symbolic Life” – Chapter 12 – “A reply to Martin Bubber”.
This is an essential read to clearly understand Jung’s position on religion and metaphysics. Spoiler alert: If you believe he was gnostic or a mad wizard you’ll be disappointed.
7 – Volume 7 – “Two Essays On Analytical Psychology”.
Now that you have a good background it’s time to read the whole volume 7. Every bit of Jung’s ideas are in this volume, making this one of his most important works.
8 – Volume 18 – “Symbolic Life”- Chapter 1 – “The Travistock Lectures”.
Here’s where Jung introduces his typological method, the backbone of his psychology. It also has an introductory feel to it and it’s great to read this instead of jumping right into volume 6 – The Psychological Types. Furthermore, you can see how the British fellows were trying to grill him, which also adds to an enjoyable reading, haha.
9 – Volume 9.1 – “Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious” – First 3 Chapters – “Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious”, “The Concept of the Collective Unconscious”, “Concerning the Archetypes, with Special Reference to the Anima Concept”.
Lastly, these chapters can give you a better understanding of the concept of archetypes and their applications.
10 – Volume 6 – “The Psychological Types”- Chapter 5 – “The Type Problem In Poetry”.
In this chapter, Jung introduces his most important idea and the goal of his entire work: The symbol formation process. He explores the redeeming journey our soul must endure in order to unite the opposites within, unraveling the Self.
11 – Bonus 1 – “Animus and Anima” – by Emma Jung.
Emma Jung was Carl Jung’s wife, so I guess there’s no one better to teach us about the animus and anima. Her writing style is clear and concise, a pleasant reading overall.
12 – Bonus 2 – “Inner Work” – by Robert Johnson.
Robert Johnson did a great job synthesizing Carl Jung’s method of dream analysis and active imagination. You can tell he is very familiar with Jung’s works. Plus, he provides many practical examples and interesting tips and uses accessible language. I believe this is a great introduction, especially if you feel overwhelmed by Jung’s collected works.
13 – Pro Tip – Volume 6 – “The Psychological Types” – Chapter 11 – Definitions.
In the final part of this volume, Jung left us a kind of “dictionary”. Whenever you’re feeling lost and can’t understand what the heck he’s talking about, you can just check the terms and concepts there.
PS: I can already see a few people rolling their eyes saying this is too much and asking me what would be absolutely essential to read. Well, Just read the first part of volume 16, The Travistock Lectures, and the whole volume 7.
Intermediate Reading Guide
I could’ve stopped at the beginner’s guide, but I know there’s a few insatiable souls like me reading this right now, so I’ll also share with you an intermediate reading guide. The following books are crucial to acquire a solid foundation in Jungian Psychology:
1 – Volume 6 – “The Psychological Types”.
The Volume 6 explores the backbone of Jungian Psychology, namely the psychological types. This knowledge is crucial to understanding everything about psychodynamics, individuation, and his most advanced works, such as alchemy. Pay especial attention to chapter V, where Jung explores the symbol formation process.
2 – “Psychotherapy” – Marie Von Franz.
Marie Von Franz is the righteous heiress of Jungian Psychology and this is her masterpiece. Moreover, understanding Jung becomes a lot easier when you see it through her eyes.
3 – Volume 8 – “Structures and Dynamics of The Psyche”.
This book is an important foundation for understanding Carl Jung’s epistemology and important ideas such as complexes and archetypes, dream interpretation, the notion of psychic reality, and psychic energy and synchronicity.
4 – Volume 5 – “Symbols of Transformation”.
This one is mind-blowing since Jung explores his most valuable idea, the symbol formation. In other words, he dissects the process of transformation our personality must endure in the different periods of our lives. This book is a map to understand the works of the inner center – The Self. For a complete picture, this book must be paired with Chapter 5 – “The Type Problem in Poetry” – from Volume 6, and the first chapter of Volume 8 – “On Psychic Energy”.
5 – “Alchemy – An introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology” – Marie Von Franz
Finally, this book demystifies the relationship between psychology and alchemy and why it was relevant for Carl Jung structuring his ideas. There was no one better to give this introduction since Marie Von Franz was the one who translated most of the pieces Carl Jung used for his books. Moreover, Von Franz was the one who finished Mysterium Coniunctionis. After this book, you’ll be ready to attack Carl Jung’s most advanced works.
Read Next – The Definitive Shadow Work Guide
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- Katabasis – The Shadow Integration Manual – My best-selling and accessible course will introduce you to all you need to know to disrupt the unconscious patterns keeping you stuck.
- Audacity University – Master Jungian Psychology in 1 year. Become your own analyst or integrate these tools into your professional practice.
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